website-personalisation How to Use Website Personalization (Without the Creep Factor) design tips

How to Use Website Personalization (Without the Creep Factor)

Website personalization can help you create more amazing user experiences or turn into a total creep-fest. It’s all about how you use data, cookies, and other useful information to design something that’s of greater value to the person who sees it. There’s a very fine line between outstanding and out of bounds, and most of…

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stopwatch-770x500 Gutenberg’s Faster Performance Is Eroding Page Builders’ Dominance design tips

Gutenberg’s Faster Performance Is Eroding Page Builders’ Dominance

WordPress’ block editor, colloquially still widely known as Gutenberg, is making inroads into the segment of users who have heavily relied on page builders for years. For the most part, page builder plugins have either declined in growth or stagnated in 2020, with the exception of Elementor. In contrast, block collections with page builder features…

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fractal-art-trends Fractal Art: A 101 Design Intro design tips

Fractal Art: A 101 Design Intro

Art elements rooted in math and algorithms might seem like a futuristic idea, but it’s a growing and popular concept. Fractal art has been around since the 1980s but it seems to be having a moment with more designers looking to this style for backgrounds and main art elements. Another reason for the growth in…

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featured-image-770x500 Building Single-Page Websites on WordPress

Building Single-Page Websites on

Building Single-Page Websites on Sometimes you just need a single webpage to get your idea across. supports a wide range of features for building your online presence: blogs, online stores, newsletter signup forms, and more. These tools are invaluable for many customers, but they can seem excessive for folks who are just looking to…

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template-paper-phone-770x500 Ask the Bartender: How to Build WordPress Themes from Scratch? design tips

Ask the Bartender: How to Build WordPress Themes from Scratch?

I would like to ask, what is the best way to learn to create WordPress themes from scratch? I would like to learn, but there seems to be no comprehensive resource for this.Thanks for any help.Mark I have been around the WordPress community long enough to remember the days when there were sparse resources available.…

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data-points 8 Data Points That Will Make You a Better Web Designer design tips

8 Data Points That Will Make You a Better Web Designer

Website design is such a creative exercise that sometimes it is easy to forget all of the left-brain things that go into a stellar project. A good design uses solid data and analytics to help shape decision making, map user journeys, and include just the right visual elements to make the most of the design…

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newspapers-001-770x500 Google Introduces Performance Report for Google News Publishers design tips

Google Introduces Performance Report for Google News Publishers

Google has launched a new Search Console performance report for sites that appear in Google News. Publishers can now track clicks, impressions, and CTR for traffic coming from and the Google News apps for Android and iOS. The report helps publishers see how often their articles appear to users in Google News and which…

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design-influencer-768x500 5 Tips for Working With Design Influencers (Or Becoming One!) design tips

5 Tips for Working With Design Influencers (Or Becoming One!)

Who do you look to on social media when you need extra design inspiration? Those are the people that you see as design influencers. Have you ever thought about working with designers, illustrators, and photographers with a strong social media presence (or becoming one yourself)? There are things you can start doing online now that…

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wpscan-logo-770x481 WPScan Can Now Assign CVE Numbers for WordPress Core, Plugin, and Theme Vulnerabilities design tips

WPScan Can Now Assign CVE Numbers for WordPress Core, Plugin, and Theme Vulnerabilities

WPScan, a security company that maintains a database of WordPress vulnerabilities, has been officially designated as a CVE (Common Vulnerability and Exposures) Numbering Authority (CNA). The company joins 151 organizations from 25 countries that participate in the CVE Program as CNAs. These organizations are authorized to assign CVE Identifiers (CVE IDs) to vulnerabilities within their own distinct scopes of work,…

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hdr-lightroom-presets 20+ Best HDR Lightroom Presets 2021 design tips

20+ Best HDR Lightroom Presets 2021

The HDR technique is one of the most popular techniques photographers use to add more depth and range to photos. It usually takes multiple photos and a lot of work to take photos using the HDR technique. However, if you have the Lightroom app, there’s a much easier way to create that same HDR effect…

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