Does “Full-Site Editing” Need a New, “User-Friendly” Name?
I've been thinking about this question and the others related to it that Josepha Haden Chomphosy posted last week. There's been a strong comment Source
I've been thinking about this question and the others related to it that Josepha Haden Chomphosy posted last week. There's been a strong comment Source
After years of planning and one canceled event, WordCamp Asia 2023 is just seven months away. The event is gaining momentum as organizers were selected earlier this year and the call for sponsors o… Source
Everyone has to make a flyer at some point. It’s easy in Microsoft Word with a quick template that you can download, replace content, and use. You’re probably already familiar with MS Word, so why not use that as a jumping off point for a simple flyer project? Here, we’ll take yo… Source
Celebrating WWW Day, Josepha invites contributors from around the globe to share stories of how WordPress impacts their worlds. Source
The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Below you'll find the six newest themes that we've added to our library, giving you beautiful options for a product showcase, photography portfolio, travel blog, or whatever else you can dream up. To install any of the below themes,……
If you have ever tried to upload an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file for a logo or favicon in WordPress, you may have been astonished to find that it doesn’t work. There is no core support… Source
In this series, we share some of the inspiring stories of how WordPress and its global network of contributors can change people’s lives for the better. This month we feature Carla Doria, a custome… Source
numlookupapi is a tool that can help you automate the phone number validation process for your website or app. It can validate any phone number, returning carrier and location information, and is already trusted and used by more than 15,000 companies worldwide. It’s an easy-to-use and fr… Source