The Internet gives companies and individuals access to people they would not reach otherwise, even letting them reach out to people in different states and countries around the world. It also gives a sense of authority, whether you are an individual who is trying to build a portfolio or offering a service online or a company that is trying to attract potential customers to their website. This is just one of the many reasons that you should create a website.

For some companies, the idea of creating a website is intimidating. Many people associate websites with complex design, a need to understand coding, and writing content. While this is true to an extent, there are sites that guide you through the process of creating a website and make it easier. One of these is WordPress, an easy-to-use website setup tool that guides you through the process of creating your own website.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS). The average CMS helps you create a website without coding. It guides you through choosing a theme, creating content for the website, and adding a picture. It is also considered rather flexible, even if you use the free version. There are plenty of WordPress themes to choose from and you can create your site how you want it. You do not need to know how to code since WordPress walks you through all the basics.

Why WordPress is a Good CMS

WordPress was one of the first websites available that bridged the gap between the advanced coding needed to create a website and the average Internet user. It makes the creation process simple and easy, so you don’t have to spend thousands hiring someone to make a complex website.

Today, there is other competition for CMSs, but WordPress is the biggest, powering over 30 percent of the web. Something to note is that WordPress has both a free version and a paid version. The free version has an extension that reads “,” but you can buy your own domain through the dashboard. With the paid version, you gain access to advanced features and extra themes on the site. You also can drop the extension, which gives you a unique domain name.

Getting Started

The most intimidating thing about creating a website is getting started. Even with a CMS that is as easy to use as WordPress, there are a lot of factors that go into creating a website. You must consider factors like the domain name that you want to represent your website, what you want it to say, and how you are going to represent your company or blog. Your website is also essential in sending a clear message about your brand and what you represent.

Some of the things to consider before you create a website is what type of graphics you want to represent your company. If you already have a logo, you will want to have the uploaded to the site. Even when you do not have a blog, you will have to create content for the site’s about page and any other areas of the site.

How to Create a Website on WordPress: The Basics

With knowledge of the basic steps, you can create a website for any individual blog or business website. Here is an idea of what you will go through as you set up your website on WordPress. Don’t be surprised if it only takes you an hour or two to finish everything!

Step 1: Setting a Domain Name and Hosting

The domain name is what you want to call your site. A good domain is going to represent your company’s niche, but it needs to be unique enough that customers can identify you as an entity separate from your competitors. You will also need to find a hosting site, like WordPress. This is a site where your domain name is located.

Step 2: Installing WordPress

There is a button on the WordPress website to download the applications you need to create a site. This is easy the program will walk you through what you need to do.

Step 3: Choosing a Theme

The theme describes the layout of your site. This is where things like the links to the web pages, graphics, and text will be located. It also controls the font that is used and the colors of your site. There are thousands of free ones to choose from that you can download directly from the WordPress dashboard.

Step 4: Adding Pages and Content

Once the theme is set, you can start filling up your site with content. You can add the basic information pages and a homepage to start with. Then, you can add a blog if you choose. There is a separate area for this—you create posts for blogs instead of individual pages.

Organizing Your Site

When you are trying to share information about your business or services, it is important that readers can easily find the information they are looking for on your site. The way to do this is to create different pages. If you are creating a website for your business, some of the pages that you might include are Our Mission Statement, About, Contact Us, Company Blog, Pricing, Products/Service, and Meet Our Team. Personal or professional blogging websites might include a Contact and About Page, in addition to their blogs.

Organization is important because it helps increase readability on your site. You are not going to showcase your professionalism or attract potential leads with a messy, hard-to-navigate site. If people cannot find the information they are looking for on your site, they are likely to quickly click over to something else.

Creating Content

Another reason that WordPress is an excellent choice is the content creating tools on the site. WordPress lets you create posts on your blog page. There are also additional tools on the WordPress website, like an SEO calculator and a tool that measures readability. These can be used to help you shape your content. Another option is to hire a professional writer to create content for you. This is something that many business owners do, especially if they do not specialize in writing. Blog owners might do this as well when they cannot keep up with the demands of their website.

There are several benefits of establishing yourself with blog articles. Individuals who are trying to set themselves apart online can use their blog to establish their authority in the field. It also lets you attract people to your site by using SEO tactics. Businesses can also establish themselves as an authority by creating a company blog. Additionally, by publishing content in your niche, you can use keywords and SEO tactics that will bring potential leads to your site.


Individuals and businesses who are serious about attracting potential customers and spreading the word of their products or services should create a website. Of all the content management systems available, WordPress is considered one of the easiest ones to use. After creating an account, the site will walk you through all the steps to create a high-quality, easy-to-use website.

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Rick Klade is a professional writer that works for PaperWritten. He has a business degree with a heavy concentration in digital marketing and graphic design. When he is not writing student papers, Rick makes living helping business owners and bloggers design and market their website.

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