Using Recompose to Share Functionality Between React Components
Sharing functionality between React components is a pretty common need. The concept is that we can establish the behavior in one place and then extend it across different components. Higher-Order Components are one way to do this. Yet, there is another way using a library called Recompose.
What is Recompose?
The documentation helps us answer that:
Recompose is a React utility belt for function components and higher-order components. Think of it like lodash for React.
Basically, it’s a …
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50+ Apple Watch Mockups & Graphics
Material Design Animation Guides
I’ve seen two guides posted to Medium about animation in the last month that have seriously blown up!
- Taras Skytskyi’s The ultimate guide to proper use of animation in UX
- Jonas Naimark’s Motion design doesn’t have to be hard
There is a lot to learn in each one! The demonstration animations they use are wonderfully well done and each guide demonstrates an interesting and effective animation technique, often paired next to a less successful technique to drive the point home. …
The post Material Design Animation Guides appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
How to Make Your Content SEO sing in 2018
The post How to Make Your Content SEO sing in 2018 appeared first on Torque.
One Invalid Pseudo Selector Equals an Entire Ignored Selector
Perhaps you know this one: if any part of a selector is invalid, it invalidates the whole selector. For example:
div, span::butt {
background: red;
Even though div
is a perfectly valid selector, span:butt
is not, thus the entire selector is invalidated — neither divs nor span::butt elements on the page will have a red background.
Normally that’s not a terribly huge problem. It may even be even useful, depending on the situation. But there are plenty of situations …
The post One Invalid Pseudo Selector Equals an Entire Ignored Selector appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
WooSesh Schedule Published, WooCommerce Team to Deliver Keynote
If Deadlines Are Not Arbitrary, Why Not Release WordPress 5.0 in the Beginning of January?
CSS Only Floated Labels with :placeholder-shown pseudo class
The floated label technique has been around for a good long while and the general idea is this: we have an text input with the placeholder attribute acting as a label. When a user types into that input, the label moves from inside the input to outside of it.
Like so:
Although I don’t see this pattern used on the web all that much, I do think it’s an interesting one! There are different approaches to it, but Nick Salloum …
The post CSS Only Floated Labels with :placeholder-shown pseudo class appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Best Free and Paid WordPress Themes for Bloggers
The post Best Free and Paid WordPress Themes for Bloggers appeared first on Torque.