The Do’s and Don’ts of Blogging From Your Smartphone

Considering how much time bloggers used to spend chained to their desktops, it’s no wonder more bloggers are taking advantage of the latest mobile trends. But all bloggers should keep a few key do’s and don’ts in mind before they dive into the tech-savvy world of mobile blogging. Connecting With Readers Do use your smartphone to …
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Gutenberg 4.0 RC 1 Will Be Available in A Few Days

Matias Ventura, Gutenberg’s technical lead, published an update on the progress of Gutenberg 4.0 and what users can expect. This version will mark the project’s 40th release. Ventura outlined a number of tasks that have been completed up to this point. These include, Full Screen, Unified Toolbar, and Spotlight modes (more…)
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Benefits of Installing an SSL Certificate on Your Website

Given the fact that many websites are facing the wrath of hackers compromising on personal and financial information of your visitors, it is time to take stringent web security measures. And what better way to provide a strong security cover to your website than by installing an SSL certificate? SSL certificates are mandatory, multipurpose instruments …
The post Benefits of Installing an SSL Certificate on Your Website appeared first on Torque.
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Portfolio Design Trends in 2018

When was the last time you updated your design portfolio? (If you’re like me, it’s probably been a while.) Maintaining a fresh portfolio is a good way to show off your skills to potential clients and can be helpful when looking back on work for annual contest entries. If you’ve fallen behind with your portfolio […]
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A Minimal JavaScript Setup

Some people prefer to write JavaScript with React. For others, it’s Vue or jQuery. For others still, it is their own set of tools or a completely blank document. Some setups are minimal, some allow you to get things done quickly, and some are crazy powerful, allowing you to build complex and maintainable applications. Every setup has advantages and disadvantages, but positives usually outweigh negatives when it comes to popular frameworks verified and vetted by an active community.

React and …

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The “Developer Experience” Bait-and-Switch

Alex Russell describes his thoughts on the current state of JavaScript and how we might sometimes put a ton of focus on the ease-of-use of development at the expense of user experience. So, for example, we might pick a massive framework to make development easier and faster but then that might have an enormous impact on the user.

Alex describes it as substituting “developer value for user value.”

The “developer experience” bait-and-switch works by appealing to the listener’s parochial interests …

The post The “Developer Experience” Bait-and-Switch appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Infinite Scrolling: Pros and Cons

One-page websites are a major design trend. Especially when it comes to one-page designs packed with content, thanks to infinite scrolling techniques that allow designers to continue a webpage indefinitely. This technique is great for some sites and content types, while for others it can be cumbersome and frustrating. Like any other design technique, you […]
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