WordPress Coding Standards 1.1.0 Released
Customise radio buttons without compromising accessibility
Here’s a nifty post by Chen Hui Jing where she walks us through her process for making radio buttons accessible via keyboard. I particularly enjoyed this bit where she discusses the four options that are available to us to hide the radio input and replace them with a selection of cards that act like toggles instead:
Most of us mess up the keyboard navigation portion of things when we hide the input element. There are several ways to make something …
The post Customise radio buttons without compromising accessibility appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Wireframing: A Beginner’s Guide to Developing Better WordPress Themes and Plugins
The post Wireframing: A Beginner’s Guide to Developing Better WordPress Themes and Plugins appeared first on Torque.
Creating sliding effects using sticky positioning
Sticky elements are predominantly used for keeping something shown on the screen throughout scrolling. As cool as that is, we can also hide elements in the same way!
Here’s a typical (um) sticky situation:
See the Pen position:sticky (CSS) by Preethi Sam (@rpsthecoder) on CodePen.
Sticky elements (position: sticky;
) are very similar to fixed elements ( position: fixed;
) in that they both maintain their position on the screen, even as the user scrolls up …
The post Creating sliding effects using sticky positioning appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Interactive Introduction to CSS Houdini
This is a great explanatory microsite by Sam Richard.
CSS Houdini will let authors tap in to the actual CSS engine, finally allowing us to extend CSS, and do so at CSS speeds. Much like Service Workers are a low-level JavaScript API for the browser’s cache, Houdini introduces low-level JavaScript APIs for the browser’s render engines.
What’s important to know is that Houdini is broken up into these different parts, each of which will be implemented separately. We have an …
The post Interactive Introduction to CSS Houdini appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
7 Tips for Better Contact Form Design (With Examples)
Biratnagar, Nepal to Host Its First WordCamp – December 22, 2018
Dark Mode is Possibly Coming to a WordPress Dashboard Near You
“Killing the URL”
It was Safari who first started hiding the complete URL. Here’s what CSS-Tricks looks like even when you’re on an article page by default in Safari:
The full URL path is hidden.
You can only fix it (YES, FIX IT) by checking “Show full website address” in settings.
Preferences Advanced
We’ve already damaged the sanctity of URLs in a way with URL shorteners. Thankfully, those are used less and less with social networks, like Twitter, not counting the URL toward …
The post “Killing the URL” appeared first on CSS-Tricks.