How To Create Killer Content And Get Noticed

Quality content is incredibly important for any website whether you’re a travel blogger or a large enterprise company. To grow your brand, you need a way to connect with your audience on a deeper level. This is where a blog comes in. If you don’t have a blog, you are doing something wrong. In order …
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Everything you need to know about CSS Variables

This is by far the biggest deep dive I’ve seen on CSS Variables posted to the web and it’s merely Chapter One of complete e-book on the topic.

Truth is, I’m still on the thick of reading through this myself, but had to stop somewhere in the middle to write this up and share it because it’s just that gosh-darned useful. For example, the post goes into great detail on three specific use cases for CSS Variables and breaks the …

Everything you need to know about CSS Variables is a post from CSS-Tricks

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How to Reduce HTTP Requests in WordPress (Make Your Website Faster!)

Learning how to reduce HTTP requests in WordPress sounds like a thing only developers need to deal with. However, in reality it concerns anyone who has a website powered by the CMS. Here on Torque, we have written extensively on how to speed up your WordPress website: A Guide to WordPress Speed &  the Importance …
The post How to Reduce HTTP Requests in WordPress (Make Your Website Faster!) appeared first on Torque.
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Let’s Build a Custom Vue Router

Plenty of tutorials exist that do a great job in explaining how Vue’s official routing library, vue-router, can be integrated into an existing Vue application. vue-router does a fantastic job by providing us with the items needed to map an application’s components to different browser URL routes.

But, simple applications often don’t need a fully fledged routing library like vue-router. In this article, we’ll build a simple custom client-side router with Vue. By doing so, we’ll gather an …

Let’s Build a Custom Vue Router is a post from CSS-Tricks

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Matt Cromwell Hosts Matt Mullenweg in Q&A Gutenberg Interview

Matt Cromwell, Head of Support and Community Outreach for GiveWP and an administrator for the Advanced WordPress Facebook group, hosted a question and answer session about Gutenberg with Matt Mullenweg earlier today. The interview concludes the Advanced WordPress Gutenberg interview series that includes, Joost de Valk, Ahmad Awais, and Tammie Lister. (more…)
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AMP News

AMP is controversial, to say the least. Dave and I did a show on it about a year ago that to me felt fairly balanced in addressing some of the issues. Let’s cover some recent news and responses.

One thing that isn’t usually controversial: it’s fast. AMP pages are damn performant. Even that, though, is contentious. Ferdy Christant notes:

Technically correct AMP pages will perform very similar to any non-horrible web page.

The difference between AMP performing instantly and …

AMP News is a post from CSS-Tricks

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Make Your Articles Heard with Amazon Polly: Q & A with AWS

You have a dedicated audience that comes to your site every day to read your content. They take the time to sit down and engage with what you’ve written. Unfortunately, that’s not possible for everyone. People are incredibly busy and aren’t taking the time to sit down and read an article. Users are listening to …
The post Make Your Articles Heard with Amazon Polly: Q & A with AWS appeared first on Torque.
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The Beginner’s Guide to Translating a WordPress Website With Polylang

If your client serves a non-English speaking audience, you may need to produce a website that works in multiple languages. Given that implementing multiple languages means a potential wealth of new custom, don’t let the fear of tackling a multilingual website stop you from working with these types of clients. While handling multiple languages increases …
The post The Beginner’s Guide to Translating a WordPress Website With Polylang appeared first on Torque.
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Working Towards Better Naming

There is a quote that I bet every one of you has heard many times. You know the one. The one that reminds you how hard naming is.

Let’s talk names.

We talk often about how hard naming is, but it’s less common see people talk about how to get better at it. Even naming philosophies lend structure to naming, but don’t pick names for you. Names are more than just some hard thing we get needlessly caught up in. …

Working Towards Better Naming is a post from CSS-Tricks

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