When Brian broached the subject of stepping aside from his ownership in Post Status about a month ago, a couple of thoughts instantly came to mind…

This is what started it all:

Screen-Shot-2021-05-21-at-5.00.45-AM Our Future Together at Post Status • Post Status design tips

On October 31, 2019, I sent this DM to Krogsgard on Twitter because I saw his announcement about the Get Hired Project and reached out to see if I could help in any way. 

I had no idea the surprise and delight of what would come next for me professionally over the coming weeks as Brian offered me an opportunity of a lifetime to join Post Status as a partner. 

I’ve been a fan, supporter and community member at Post Status since the beginning. 

And more so a fan and supporter of the extremely talented, quality human who Brian is. I’ve sought and leaned on his advice and insight for years and enjoyed his company many times before we became business partners. 

But after leaving iThemes in January of 2019 … I was adrift. I was lost. 

So many people thought I had a “Plan B” or that I was leaving because I had something ready to roll next. 

I didn’t. 

So when Brian and I started talking seriously in 2019 about becoming a partner at Post Status … I felt an immense sense of excitement and relief. 

I won’t say Post Status saved my life …. but it gave me a a place to call home professionally. 

You are my people. You are my tribe. 

By joining Post Status, I got to assume a new role in the WordPress ecosystem. 

After all, some of the best friends I’ve made in my life are WordPress people who also belong to this thing we call Post Status. 

I’m so incredibly thankful to be a part of Post Status and continue the legacy Brian began eight years ago for you here. 

Thank you, Krogs.  

I’ll be forever grateful to you for a lot of things but one is the opportunity to help lead this fantastic community. 


When Brian broached the subject of stepping aside from his ownership in Post Status about a month ago, a couple of thoughts instantly came to mind. 

First, I want the best for my friend Brian Krogsgard. And I’m extremely excited about what he is doing next. I’ll be rooting for him and following along as I hope you will be too. 

Also, he’s not leaving, just changing seats in WP and Post Status. 

But I’m extremely honored to take the baton from Brian and continue to build on the foundation he’s started and grown at Post Status and in WordPress. 

You should know … this has not, nor will ever be the Cory Show. 

I don’t do things alone. 

I am a collaborator. I’ve never truly been or wanted to be a “solopreneur.” It’s just not how I do things. I’m so much better and the work is so much better WITH people. 

There was a rockstar team in place before me at Post Status in David Bisset and Dan Knauss. (Thanks David and Dan for all you continue to do for us!)

There was an amazing community at Post Status before I became a partner. 

I only want to support all of this and find ways to add value to what is here. 

With that in mind here are some things on my heart and mind as I slide into the pilot’s seat here.

Delivering Consistent Excellence

I want to maintain Brian’s gold standard of excellence in sharing the TL;DR version of what’s happening in WordPress and the web (via our weekly newsletter) with sharp insights and expert commentary for you, the busy WordPress founder and professional. 

I want Post Status to continue to help you anticipate and think about trends affecting your life, business, team and customers/clients. 

In the months ahead, expect more of that. 

The Underrepresented

I pledge to continue to promote diversity in all that we do, here and in any projects I’m a part of. 

I sincerely want to be part of the solution and not the problem. 

My first (but not last) step is collaborating with Michelle and Allie at Underrepresented in Tech by offering free Club memberships to their community.  

(If you’re a part of the Underrepresented, simply hit our Contact Form and share your UiT profile. We’ll get your membership setup for you!)

And in all we do, our team and I will continue to look for every way we can promote and include the underrepresented in all we do, with open ears and hearts for how we can do better. 

Health and Wellbeing

I’m a proud vocal advocate of mental health and wellbeing. I’ve been sharing my story publicly since 2015 and have no plans to stop for the rest of my life, or until the stigma is obliterated from the face of the earth. 

Additionally, I’m also President of the Board at Big Orange Heart Foundation, led by the indomitable WordPresser Dan Maby

I want to find meaningful ways to keep the topic of health and wellbeing front and center here. More and more you’ll see this emphasis through all we do here. 

Let’s face it. We have tough and often lonely jobs as founders, entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, distributed team members, freelancers, and consultants. 

I want Post Status to be a big part of that conversation and support. 

Small Groups

On the heels of that emphasis, my life has been exponentially improved and changed in small groups of like-minded people on a similar path meeting regularly together. 

I was part of a group called the Entrepreneurs Organization for ten years, and more importantly “Forum 2” in Oklahoma City. 

This one group of entrepreneurs saved my life in so many ways. They have been there for the highest of highs to celebrate the successes few could understand …. And also for the lowest of lows to pick me up, dust me off and push me forward. 

Last year, I stepped aside from EO and miss it greatly. Over my years in EO, I helped start and seed two other forums. And a couple of years ago, I walked with Dr. Sherry Walling to start ZenTribes.

I’ve been having conversations about how to introduce this powerful force in our community here and hope to have something soon to share with you all. 

Jobs / Get Hired

I’ve been talking about it for months publicly and with potential collaborators. But my focus for the last two months has been getting the Get Hired Project off the ground as well as expanding our extremely popular Jobs section here. 

I believe in human potential. I love and cherish helping foster it in others. Helping people recognize their innate strengths and develop them in meaningful work is the best — whether that means starting a business or joining a great team. 

I’m so energized to get this launched — to start offering training and mentorship and connection to those seeking to break into tech, transition their careers, or whatever their goal may be.

WordPress changed my life in 2006. Like you, I’ve had so many friends over the years see what we all do together as a community and want to join in. 

Stay tuned for those details soon, whether you have a friend who can benefit from mentorship … or if you want to be a mentor for others … or a supporter of it all. 

Our Amazing Partners

I want to say a HUGE thank you to our Partners. 

There are a bunch of you who have been with Brian and Post Status from the beginning. 

I know his deep love and appreciation for you, and I pledge to continue supporting you as you support our community. 

But from me especially, thank you for continuing to support all the magic of community here. 

To our Club, I’d ask a favor …. Click on our partners’ logos and go check out what they are doing. Every one of them. You might be surprised in what they are up to. I know I am!

So those are my thoughts about this community we call Post Status. 

I’m here for you. 

With opens ears. Ready to support and serve you. 

I’m in Slack, so please DM me if you need anything or want to share feedback or an idea. 

My email is cory@poststatus.com

With immense gratitude toward the past, cheers to our future together!

